One year ago yesterday I ran (shuffled) the London Marathon. It was a great experience, however there are some things you might not know. Here are a few of them mixed with some invaluable tips.
- Stay over, for God’s sake stay over
Immediately after the Marathon was complete, there was an hour’s journey on the tube, overground and on foot to reach our hotel in Greenwich. We decided to stay over the night before, but I would recommend anyone to extend that stay to the night after as well. I, however, was in the back of the car with my Mum and Dad for 5 hours. Straight to bed, work the next day. Ouch.
- Beware of the sticky floors
After every gel station, people just discard the empty sachets meaning that the sugary liquid gets splattered all over the road and all you can hear is the sound of trainers being peeled off the tarmac as your feet get stuck to the floor.
- Beware of the waterbottles
After the first few water stations, people take one sip, then discard their bottles. These are in places really dangerous, there can be hundreds to dodge. Stand on one and you’re buggered.
- The wall of sound
The one thing that I didn